Please note, the Case Lifecycle model is currently only supported for Salesforce Service Cloud and Amazon Connect.
Table of contents
New real-time specific metrics
Case-based metrics
Our new Case Lifecycle model supports all of our standard metrics, but with slightly different definitions. It also supports a handful of new metrics including transfers and reassigns. This document focuses on Salesforce and Amazon Connect integrations because these are the two integrations currently supported by the Case Lifecycle data model.
Handle time
- Description: Total time that it took to resolve all cases in the selected time range looking at the start time of the first unit of work associated with the case. For async channels (i.e email) this excludes the time where the agent was waiting for the customer to get back to them. This also excludes time that the ticket spent in a queue waiting to be routed to an agent.
- Calculation
SUM(units of work handle time for the case)
.- See unit of work handle time definition for more details.
- Channel constraints: None! We now support this metric for email.
- Note: This metric is not time-tracking related and does not try to account for how much time an agent actually spent on the ticket. In Salesforce terms, this is Handle time, not Active time.
Average handle time
- Description: Average time that it took to resolve a case in the selected time range looking at the start time of the first unit of work associated with the case.
- Calculation:
(Handle Time
) /number of contacts
Unique cases solved
- Description: Number of distinct cases solved by an agent in the selected time range, excluding any cases that were later re-opened and/or solved again. Only the last solve of a case is counted.
- Channel/Queue Attribution: Solves are attributed to the channel/queue of the last unit of work.
- Note: Whether this metric is available depends on your configuration. For example, if your configuration is such that you prefer to count every solve, this metric won’t be available.
- In situations where the case was solved long after the last unit of work, we use the end time of the last unit of work associated with the case as the solved at timestamp.
Cases solved
- Description: Number of cases solved that ended in this channel/queue (regardless of which channel/queue the solve occurred in).
- Note: Depending on your configuration, this may only be available on the forecast vs actual report.
Unique cases solved (per scheduled hour)
- Description: Number of cases solved by an agent or group of agents by scheduled hour.
- Calculation:
Unique cases solved
/ sum(scheduled productive hours
Unique cases solved (per actual hour)
- Description: Number of unique cases solved by an agent or group of agents by actual productive hour worked.
- Calculation:
Unique cases Solved
/ sum(productive hours worked
Case volume
- Description: # of cases in a given channel/queue based on the last unit of work channel/queue.
- Note: If a case changes queue after the last unit of work, it will not be reflected in the case volume metric. This is intentional because we believe that planning/reporting based on the queue where the work happened.
Case throughput
- Description: # of cases in a given channel/queue based on the last unit of work channel/queue.
- Calculation:
Cases solved
/scheduled productive hours
First response
- Description: Average of first response duration on first segments where this duration is not null and
is after the ticket’s start time. - Note: we use the channel/queue of the first unit of work for this metric.
Cases reopened
- Description: Number of units of work with the reopened status. This means that the case went from a solved to and unsolved status, which is defined on a per customer basis.
- Note: we use the channel/queue of the last unit of work in this case, because this is a case metric. If you’re interested in counting reopens where they happened, you can look at the
Units of work reopened
Unit of work metrics
Unit of work metrics are all net new and only available if you’re using Case Lifecycle. They are the same across platforms, although what defines a unit of work can vary slightly across integration platforms.
Unique case solved rate
- Description: The percentage of terminal units of work that are the last solve of a case. A terminal unit of work is one with a solved, reassigned, paused, or transferred status.
- Calculation:
Unique cases Solved
/Terminal units of work
Cases reassigned
- Description: Number of cases reassigned from one agent to another within the same queue in the selected time range.
- Note: this is the number of cases that were reassigned from the selected agent, not to the agent.
Cases transferred away
- Description: Number of cases transferred from one queue to another in the selected time range.
- Note: this is the number of cases that were transferred from the selected queue, not to a queue.
Reassigned away rate
- Description: The percentage of cases reassigned from one agent to another within the same queue, out of the total number of cases solved, transferred, reassigned, or paused in the selected time range.
- Calculation:
Cases reassigned
/Units of work handled
Transferred away rate
- Description: The percentage of cases transferred from one queue to another, out of all cases that were solved, transferred, reassigned, or paused in the selected time range.
- Calculation:
Cases transferred away
/Units of work handled
Units of work handled
- Description: The number of units of work solved, transferred, reassigned, or paused.
Units of work handled (per actual hour)
- Description: The number of units of work solved, transferred, reassigned, or paused per actual productive hour worked.
- Calculation:
Units of work handled
/Actual productive hours worked
Units of work handled (per scheduled hour)
- Description: The number of units of work solved, transferred, reassigned, or paused per productive scheduled hour.
- Calculation:
Units of work handled
/Scheduled productive hours
Unit of work volume
- Description: The number of units of work that were created in the selected time range in the given channel and queue
Unit of work throughput
- Description: The number of units of work that were solved, transferred, reassigned, or paused per scheduled productive hour
- Calculation:
Units of work handled
/Scheduled productive hours
Units of work solved
- Description: The number of units of work that were solved in the selected time range. Solves are attributed to the assignee, channel, and queue of the unit of work.
- In situations where the case was solved long after the last unit of work, we use the end time of the last unit of work as the solved at timestamp.
Units of work reopened
- Description: Number of units of work with the reopened status. This means that the case went from a solved to an unsolved status, which is defined on a per customer basis.
- Note: we use the channel/queue of the unit of work in this case. If you’re forecasting on cases and interested in counting reopens on the queue of the case, you can look at the
Cases reopened
- Description: The Service Level Agreement represented by Start time - First Response Time
- SLA is calculated differently based on whether the unit of work is non-omni or omni.
- For Omni:
- Start Time
- If segment was assigned immediately
- Start time = AgentWork CreatedDate timestamp
- If segment was waiting to be routed
- Start time = AgentWork RequestedDateTime timestamp
- If previous segment was cancelled
- Start time = AgentWork CreatedDate timestamp
- If segment was assigned immediately
- First Response Time = Acceptance Date Time on agent work object
- Start Time
- For Non-Omni:
- Start Time
- If segment was created via Transfer /Reassign
- Start time = When Owner is changed
- If segment was created via Reopen/Re-engagement
- Start time = When Status is changed
- If segment was created via Transfer /Reassign
- First Response Time = the Assignment Time on case object
- Current Limitations:
- For segments created via Reassign, if the Owner changes from one agent to another, the Start Time = First Response Time
- For segments created via Reopen, if the case had an agent assigned at the time of reopen, the Start Time = First Response Time
- Start Time
- For Omni:
New real-time specific metrics
Unassigned cases
- Description: The number of cases waiting to be routed to an agent.
- Only available for Salesforce.
- The number of PendingServiceRouting items at the current moment in the selected channel/queue.
Longest wait time
- Description: Longest wait time among cases in channel/queue waiting to be routed to an agent.
- Only available for Salesforce.
- Calculation: MAX(
Average wait time
- Description: Average wait time among cases in channel/queue waiting to be routed to an agent.
- Only available for Salesforce.
- Calculation: Average(
Median wait time
- Description: Median wait time among cases in channel/queue waiting to be routed to an agent.
- Only available for Salesforce.
- Calculation: Median(
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