The Trend Analytics report shows trends in contact volume over time by channel, with emphasis on actual contact volume both as individual data points and aggregate averages. This report can be especially helpful for answering questions like "What is my busiest day on X channel?", "How has my contact volume changed over X period of time?", "Which channel is generally highest volume?", at a glance.
Navigating the report
You can view contact volume data in aggregate across all channels by selecting "All" for the channel, or you can zero in on contact volume for specific channels by selecting them from the drop down menu on the right. If you look at data across all channels ("all"), each channel will be represented by a unique color graphically. You can filter to any date range from the top left corner.
There are two graphs on this report, each containing useful data on contact volume in different formats. The line graph at the top represents contact volume over time, with each data point on the line representing a day in time. If you hover on the line, you can see the number of contacts recieved on that channel for the day represented. You can toggle between a daily interval, or a weekly interval at your preference.

Below, there is a bar graph style chart representing average contact volume by day of the week. If you hover your cursor over the bars, it will show you the average number of contacts received on that day of the week for that channel in the filtered time period.

The data that informs the bar graph is directly below, in a table breaking down the average number of contacts received on that weekday on the left and the average service level for the weekday on the right. Finally, there's average, minimum, and maximum values recorded at the bottom of the table for all days across the time period.

Metrics Glossary
Contacts received: Contacts received is the total amount of calls that came in during the time interval.
Cases opened (email only): All email tickets initially created during the specified time interval.
Service level: Service level is the percentage of contacts that meet the target response time you customize in your configurations for each channel, excluding any contacts that don't have a response time.
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