The Assembled App for Zendesk helps you to stay on track by making individual and team schedules directly visible within the ticket sidebar and top bar. Agents can receive real-time updates on changes to their schedule as well as reminders for upcoming events. Please note you will need to install it from the Zendesk Admin Center once you integrate the platform within Assembled. You can find more information on installation here.
Important: when using the app to track agent states, make sure only one tab of Zendesk is open at a time for accurate state tracking.
You’ll find the Assembled app in the top navigation bar and ticket sidebar of Zendesk. If your Zendesk instance has multiple apps installed, the specific ordering will depend on how your administrator has organized them.

If you have Assembled open in another tab and are signed in you should automatically be able to view the Assembled App in Zendesk. The same behavior should be seen if you log out of Assembled—you'll also get logged out within Zendesk.
If you do not have Assembled open in another tab you can log into Assembled through either view with your email and password or via Google SSO.

Common sign in issues
If you're having issues signing in, it may be that your browser is blocking Assembled's login cookie from within Zendesk. Sometimes this shows up as being repeatedly redirected back to the login page. To check within Google Chrome, go to chrome://settings/ > Privacy and security > Cookies and other site data and check if Block third-party cookies is enabled.

To fix this behavior navigate to chrome://settings/cookies and scroll to the section 'Sites that can always use cookies' and add [*.] to the list of sites that can add cookies:

For Safari please refer to this article on cookie settings. Also make sure that "Prevent cross-site tracking" is unchecked.
For Firefox please refer to this article on cookie settings.
For IE please refer to this article on cookie settings.
Our Customer guidelines article outlines best practices for using the Zendesk app. Please read to learn how you can get the most out of this app.
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