When creating events from scratch for your agents' schedules on the staffing timeline, there are a few ways to approach this:
- Drag and create: To add events to your agents' schedule, place your mouse on the bottom, gridded section of the staffing timeline and click and drag across the timeline simultaneously.
- Multiple Events Modal: Access this by CMD/CTRL + clicking on any cell. You'll see a modal that prompts you to add/edit all the events for an agent on a specific day. Using just your keyboard and tab, you can navigate across all the fields to schedule in the quickest way possible.
- The time input will be able to interpret various time formats and infer colon placement, so you won't need to type out "9:00am" every time! Simply type "000", and we’ll take it from there.
- Default Event Types: If a default Event type is selected in the top left, the event will be automatically placed on the schedule when a blank cell or drag to create is selected. This is more efficient if you're creating multiples of the same type of Event.
Adding an event for multiple agents
Following the steps above, you can use the Add Multiple Agents action under 'Create Options', which will bring up a separate form to select all the Agents you want to add the Event for. This can be used to quickly schedule a meeting for multiple people!
Important note: Assembled does not auto-save changes on the staffing timeline. To save, make sure you click save at the bottom righthand corner or hit CMD/CTRL + S on your keyboard.
Once schedules have been created, we also have the ability for you to make real-time adjustments at scale by selecting events, utilizing copy and paste, and more:
- Selecting an event: Clicking on an event cell, brings up a menu which you can use to freely edit the selected event
- Selecting all events of a specific type: right clicking a specific event pulls up a menu which gives the ability to select all events of that type at once.
- Shift + Drag to Multi-Select: Shift + drag to select multiple events and easily move them around. This is especially useful when you need to shift multiple agents' schedules an hour or two forward or backward, or event deleting multiple schedules in one go!
- Copy and Paste:
- Copy:
Right click on a single event and select “Copy”. This copies the clicked Event.
On the weekly view, right click on an Event and select “Copy day”. This will copy all Events in the clicked day.
Click on the Agent name to bring up the Agent dropdown, then select “Copy row”. This will copy all Events in the row.
Cmd-click to select multiple Events in a row, then right click and select “Copy”. These Events do not need to be contiguous.
- Paste:
Paste is found by right-clicking within the staffing timeline. When clicking within the timeline, paste will apply the copied event relative to the clicked cell. For example, if you copy an event at 12PM and paste it by clicking 3PM in another Agent’s row, the pasted event will start at 3PM. Pasting also preserves the offset within the cell. If you copy an event at 12:30PM (where the cell starts at 12PM), and paste it by clicking 3PM, the pasted event will start at 3:30PM.
On the weekly view, this enables the entire day’s schedule to be copied to a different day, while maintaining original times. If events start at 8:00AM on Monday for one agent, and you copy that entire day, pasting that day on Tuesday for a different agent will create the same set of events, starting at 8 am.
Paste Row is found in the dropdown to the right of an Agent’s name, and it is used when you want the pasted events to have the exact same start times as the copied Events. If you copy two Events starting at 4:00am and 2:00PM, those Events will be pasted at 4:00am and 2:00PM. On the weekly view, Paste Row maintains the day as well as the times - copied Events on a Monday will always be pasted to Monday at the same time.
Copy and paste example: within a day
Copy and paste example: within a week
Paste Mode:
When you copy events in the new Staffing Timeline, you'll enter paste mode. When in paste mode, you can click anywhere on the timeline to paste the copied events.
Entering paste mode
You can enter paste mode by copying events via Right-click → Copy or using the Cmd/Ctrl + C copy.
Exiting the paste mode
You can exit paste mode through any of the following ways:
- Right-click anywhere with your mouse
- Hit the escape key on your keyboard
- Hit the escape key on your keyboard
Re-entering the paste mode
You can re-enter paste mode after exiting it (if you have still events copied to your clipboard) via Right-click → Enter Paste Mode.
- Context Menu: Right-click on an empty cell to bring up a variety of actions! From copy/pasting, deleting, updating specific event types, or selecting specific events - this allows for efficient edits for one agent at a time!
- Copy:
- With multiple events selected, pulling up the context menu provides the ability to update them all via the "Update type" field making it a seamless workflow to edit bulk events with one click.
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